PlantWise Help

CWP/WBS Breaks

CWP/WBS Breaks facilitate modular or phased reporting. CWP/ WBS Breaks are similar to Spec-Breaks, but they do not change any of the pipeline's properties. Graphically they are drawn the same as Spec-Breaks but display the CWP/ WBS value setting instead of SB-X.

CWP/WBS Breaks display.

When running a report that uses CWP/WBS Breaks the setting for the Project Setup/Piping/Default CWP/WBS Value will be used for all pipes until a CWP/WBS Break is found on the pipe. The pipe will then use the break's value until another CWP/WBS Break is encountered along the route.

Default CWP/WBS Value.

CWP/WBS Breaks are like any other inline in that they are created by using the Connectivity Editor and can be positioned by sliding or using the Inline Manipulator.

CWP/WBS in Connectivity Editor .

When the CWP/WBS option is selected as an Additional Inline Components type, the CWP/WBS Break pane is shown which has a selection box where the value for the break can be chosen. The values for the selection box are read from the project's CWPWBS-Codes project data table. This is a simple table that contains a single key value, NAME, and a Description for each key value. A sample table is provided in the demo and dpar_master projects installed with PlantWise.

CWP/WBS-Codes Data Table.

A way to quickly position CWP/WBS Break on multiple pipelines is to draw a fence in Overlap mode and use the Add at Fence button in the Connectivity Editor.

Add CWP/WBS at Fence.

A CWP/WBS Break will be added where the fence crosses each pipe as shown below.

CWP/WBS at Fence.

To use CWP/WBS Break in reports add a pipeline-segment.cwp/wbs attribute, as shown in the below settings.

CWP/WBS Report Writer Attribute.

The dpar-CWP-WBS-report sample is provided in the demo and dpar_master projects installed with PlantWise.